What is Merienda in English?

Written by Nadia Podrabinek
Hello, my name is Nadia. I usually write about traveling (there are so many places to fit all the lifestyles), relocation, and living in a foreign country (adapting to a different culture). My travels stretch beyond Spain, with journeys to the US, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and France. Relocating to Spain in 2018, I lived in cities from Barcelona to Madrid, currently calling Valencia home. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn! ... show more

Merienda is a light meal in the middle of the afternoon or before dinner in Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Spain.
For merienda, they usually have a sandwich, or a piece of bread with sausage, pasta, or pastries, accompanied by a drink, hot or cold, such as coffee, smoothie, juice, hot chocolate, or milk. It can also consist of a piece of fruit, yogurt, coffee with milk, etc.
In Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, they usually drink some mates around five in the afternoon. In Venezuela, it is customary to have an early merienda at around 4 in the afternoon. In Chile, they call merienda “once,” served between 5-9 pm.
The word merienda is also used to describe the meeting of people for this meal.
What people say on Reddit
Yes, here we have meriendas too, in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. In my house we always drink coffee and accompany it with cookies or bread.
i have my meriendas at 3:30 pm.
My coffee and some cookies.
i have breakfast at 9 am and lunch at 1 pm, and dinner at 7 pm (used to be 9 pm, but my wife doesnt like to eat too late, so…. yeah..)
At least where I grew up we call them “onces”. I used to have them between 10am and 11am and 3:30pm and 5pm.
If it was at school, I would eat empanadas, pastries and juice and at home in the afternoon it was usually, coffee with milk, agua de panela, bread or arepas.
Now, I live in the US and the snacks are good but not as fun as in my country.
It’s a thing not only in parts of Latin America, but in many Latin parts of Europe as well.
Not here in Québec, though. People eat at noon and then again at 17:00 or 19:00.
My personal opinion: you guys just take a big snack because you eat supper freakishly late. As someone who eats once a day, I’m uncomfortable with the idea of eating three times a day, much less four.
What does merienda mean in Spanish
The word comes from Latin “merenda,” derived from the verb “merere” with the meaning of “deserve.” In Ancient Rome, it designated the food that was given to the soldiers in the afternoon for having earned it with their effort.
How do you pronounce merienda in English?
The pronunciation is [meh-ryehn-dah]

6 healthy merienda ideas
1. Banana and apple
Take 1 small banana and ½ apple. Peel the banana and the apple. Cut each of them as you like into large or small pieces. You can give it funny shapes.
2. Dried fruit and raisins
Take almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and raisins. Mix the ingredients in the proportions that you like the most.
3. Banana, peanut butter, and almonds
You will need 1 banana, 100% peanut butter, and almonds. Peel the banana and cut it horizontally. Spread peanut butter and add almonds on top.
4. Banana cupcake
You will need (per unit): 1 egg, ½ ripe banana, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 dessert spoon of yeast, and vanilla essence. Crush all the ingredients and put them in a breakfast cup. Put the cup in the microwave at maximum power for 30 seconds. If it is not curdled, you add 10 more seconds until it is. Check it with a toothpick. You can also add cocoa powder or pure chocolate chips to the mixture. Or, you can also dissolve the chocolate in milk and pour it on top once it is curdled.
5. Natural yogurt with oat flakes, apple, and cinnamon
You will need 1 natural yogurt, oatmeal, and apple. Put the yogurt in a glass or bowl, add the apple cut into cubes, and a few tablespoons of oat flakes. Sprinkle with cinnamon to your taste. Mix all the ingredients
6. Wholemeal toast with avocado and cherry tomatoes
You will need wholemeal toast, avocado, and cherry tomatoes. Place the sliced or crushed avocado on top of the toast. Then take some cherry tomatoes or cut them in half and place them on top.
Other ideas:
- Yogurt with fruit
- Avocado & turkey
- Dehydrated fruits
- Nuts
- Toast with tomato and mozzarella
- Baked apple
- Fruit smoothies with almond milk
- Chickpea, eggplant, or carrot hummus
- Guacamole with vegetable sticks
- Tuna sandwich
- Oatmeal with fruit

Here is a short breakdown of Spanish meals:
- Desayuno (First breakfast), before 11 am
- Almuerzo (Second breakfast / Mid-morning meal), between 11 am–2 pm
- Comida (Lunch), between 2–3:30 pm
- Merienda (The light food that is eaten in the afternoon-evening), between 4–7 pm
- Cena (Dinner), after 8 pm and until midnight.
Some useful expressions:
- ir de merienda — to go for a Spanish snack
- juntar meriendas — to join forces; pool one’s resources
- merienda cena — high tea; early evening meal
- merienda de negros — bedlam; free-for-al.
So, now you know what merienda means in Spanish and won’t be lost in their eating customs. Bon appetite!

2 replies on “What is Merienda in English?”
Para merendar, seems like an invitation to a party in Spanish!
Yes, you are right!