25 Best Beach Zoom Backgrounds (with Video)

Mike P. Mike P.

Written by Mike P.

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If you’re working remotely and getting a little tired of your current zoom background, why not switch it to something more fun and upbeat?

Virtual zoom backgrounds with the beach views are the perfect way to add a tiny bit of summer fun to your video calls, whether you’re catching up with friends, colleagues, or even a boss. Seaside is always relaxing and sunny, which can help to create a kind of positive mood for your online session.

I have searched through a ton of photo stock websites and manually selected the best zoom beach backgrounds from less-known locations so that you can surprise your zoom call participants. So go ahead and make your next zoom call a beachside vacation – your coworkers will thank you for it 🙂.

Bonus: you will also find some zoom video backgrounds at the end of the article, with a detailed description of how to enable them.

In order to save the background on your computer, right-click on the desired image and select the "Save as …" option and you’re ready to go!

Skip to Zoom Video Backgrounds part.

Beach Office Zoom Backgrounds

You can also download them all in one zip-archive:

Updated: 6 new Zoom beach pictures (including pebble beach and Hawaii)

How to Replace the Default Zoom Background

If you have a cluttered background and you want something very different, e.g., the beach zoom background picture, follow these instructions:

To change your zoom background, you’ll have to come down to the Video button in your application and press the little arrow, then choose the Virtual Background option:

Tip: put some front light coming in so people could see you.
How to Replace the Default Background in Zoom

After that, you will be able to use some of the built-in default backgrounds.

I don’t find them very useful because they’re not very realistic—I can’t be on top of the Golden Bridge.

Cleanshot 23 19.24.13

Now let me show you how to add your own background from here. Just press the “plus” button and add the image from your device. That’s it!

Cleanshot 23 19.31.40
Cleanshot 23 19.37.50

How to Add the Video Zoom Background

It is almost the same as with image backgrounds. You press “plus” button and select the “Add Video” option. Remember, you cannot use YouTube videos straight away, the video file must be saved on your computer or another zoom device.

I’ve prepared some zoom beach background videos, which you can download here:

Now let’s continue with best zoom backgrounds with the beach:

Hawaii beach background for Zoom calls
Hawaii Zoom beach background
jeremy bezanger dqQqUSryr7s unsplash
tyler nix DvAeKMxMVQ4 unsplash
michael monahan m3PF3pmWFgQ unsplash
jailam rashad Qe58SmRMcH4 unsplash
yang wewe OsFGJ3vXe9Q unsplash
taoh nichols 9nPRqCQl0Ns unsplash
jonathan bean Vv3OPPXrcQM unsplash
jonathan wheeler TkGZFU2t9gc unsplash
andrew hutchison CHhVlARXyQk unsplash
jessica pamp sGRMspZmfPE unsplash
nenad radojcic RF5U8BkaQHU unsplash
fabio fistarol SJJMmc BYqk unsplash
allyson beaucourt du0wAZTgkIg unsplash
fabio fistarol 1T 1xXKxyao unsplash
john duncan tbnmOAoP26E unsplash
mick haupt lHsRNouubps unsplash
ahmed rangel JCIWTkwqYzk unsplash
nathan cima HZ9wae 0uxE unsplash
vlad kutepov WYJ9c7uSdnU unsplash
anurag challa p1XbrTSHvqU unsplash
jeremy bishop wggRq6vVMCY unsplash
zac gudakov 719IFCjy2es unsplash
shawnn tan vV7dgoL94Ig unsplash
logan simpson xHQJuJTB5D4 unsplash
dominik lange JpWtmyjMI30 unsplash
levi bare VCSuoSnTtvw unsplash
ishan seefromthesky qE1Y8GQKhEk unsplash
fabio fistarol IutjbpcimWg unsplash
datingscout 7NX 3 JfNHs unsplash
flavien beauvais 8BkE0lRL2Yw unsplash
shot by cerqueira 8qH4GSYBiSA unsplash
yousef espanioly DA tplYgTow unsplash

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this roundup of the best beach zoom backgrounds. What background did you like the most? Had some troubles with the software? Let me know in the comments below

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